paula evans voice
singing voice specialist - group singing advocate - singing for lung health leader
'Sing for Health has helped me to smile again' - Annie

Singing to breathe - breathing to sing
Research shows, and I know for a fact, that singing is a fabulous way to help our mental and physical health - anyone who has sung regularly will tell you that it has amazing powers to bring positive change; it's free and and everyone can do it!
Many people approach me saying 'I can't come along, I can't sing' and this really doesn't matter at all - you don't need to have ever sung a note out loud. Even if you are absolutely sure that you 'can't sing' or if you are worried about singing in front of others, come and give Sing for Health a try - there is no pressure to join in until you are ready and the benefits to your health and wellbeing may help you to think differently.
Sessions benefit anyone, for many different reasons. If you are living with the effects of long covid or post covid syndrome, breathlessness, COPD, postural alignment or voice production worries, sleeping problems, pain management, depression and low mood, lack of confidence, social anxiety, isolation.... in fact, breathing to sing and singing to breath helps us all for different reasons.
Sessions are available to everyone, you can be referred to me via your GP, Social Prescriber or clinician or you can refer yourself - everyone is welcome!
In the words of one of the participants, 'Sing for Health groups are friendly, welcoming and non-judgemental' - this aspect is of great importance to me. My wish is that you leave the sessions feeling uplifted and with a spring in your step!

‘Paula’s Sing for Health – what a wonderful way to start the week! However you feel when the session starts, you always leave with a smile!’
"I have COPD, since joining Sing for Health my cough has become much better and easier to control. It raises my spirits and make me feel good, I always leave the sessions feeling happy and more confident. I find the exercises and breathing techniques very useful in everyday life (...) it helps me stop coughing fits and relieves stress and tension" Alison

Times and Venues for Sing for Health

Sing for Health sessions are funded by Abbotswood Medical Centre, Friends of Pershore Community Hospital & Pulmonary Rehabil-itation Dept, Worcs Acute Hospitals, so they are FREE for you to attend.
Places must be booked in advance -
use the 'Contact Me' box below to book